More On Shrivinayaka Astrology
Monthly Predictions For February 2025
Both the Sun and Mercury are transiting your 10th house (until February 12th and 11th, respectively), boosting your confidence and communication skills. This alignment will bring chances for growth and recognition in your career. You’ll find it easier to share your ideas, impress your seniors, and move forward with important projects... read more
Monthly Predictions For January 2025
This month brings a mix of positive and challenging influences for Aries across various areas of life. In career and business, favorable transits of Saturn and Venus in the 11th house, along with Jupiter’s aspect on your 10th house, suggest professional recognition and gains... read moreSaturn transit in Pisces from 29th March 2025
Below is a detailed description of Saturn’s transit in Pisces starting from March 29, 2025, for each Moon sign. However, the complete picture can only be accurately understood by examining other planetary placements, such as the planets in conjunction with Saturn, the aspects from other planets, and the sign, house, and nakshatra Saturn occupies. ... read more
Yearly Prediction - Horoscope 2025
Discover what 2025 holds for you with personalized astrology predictions! Explore insights into your career, love life, finances, and family life, tailored to each of the 12 Zodiac signs. These predictions are based on your Moon Sign, offering a unique and detailed outlook for the year ahead.... read moreMonthly Predictions For December 2024
Your love life is likely to improve compared to last month, as long as you manage your temper. The Sun's influence on your 2nd house could lead to some communication challenges, while Saturn's aspect on your Ascendant may make you more stubborn ... read more
Monthly Predictions For November 2024 In terms of your love life, you can enhance your relationships by setting aside ego and aggression, especially with debilitated Mars transiting your 8th house. Marriage will remain positive, particularly from November 7th... read more
Why Diwali Should Be Celebrated on 31st October Instead of 1st November
This year there are some confusion regarding the correct date of Diwali. Some is considering October 31 as the correct date of Diwali while others think it’s November 1, 2024. Let’s clear this confusion with the help of Hindu calender which plays a crucial role in determining auspicious dates ... read more
Monthly Predictions For October 2024
. Sun will be transiting from 2nd to 3rd house and favorable results can be expected only during second half of the month. Mars transit in 12th house will create money loss and disturbed sleep. With Rahu in your 10th house ... read moreMonthly Predictions For September 2024
This month, either your relationship with your spouse or their career and health may be affected due to Jupiter, the lord of the 7th house, transiting the 12th house. It is important to avoid excessive arguments ... read more
Monthly Predictions For August 2024
. Sun will be transiting from 2nd to 3rd house and favorable results can be expected only during second half of the month. Mars transit in 12th house will create money loss and disturbed sleep. With Rahu in your 10th house ... read moreSun In Different Houses
Favorable placement of Sun ensures success in life particularly in the field of job or profession. Sun is also supposed to bestow great political power and fame. Followings are the results of Sun in different houses of the chart... read more
Moon In Different Houses
Moon is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio. Sun, Jupiter and Mars are supposed to be friendly with Moon. Followings are the results of Moon in different houses of the chart. Strength, aspect, degree, exaltation and debilitation of Moon should also be considered... read moreTen Tips To Save Your Marriage
If you feel lack of harmony and understanding in your married life, you can try these tips to bring back sweetness to deepen the trust in the relations... read more
Shed Ego For Happy Married Life
After couple of years of married life some misunderstandings creeps in this relationship in the form of disagreements and differences of opinion. Ego may be in the bottom of this disturbance. Ego keeps us trapped and do not provide opportunities to come out of our self... read moreJupiter in Different Houses
Jupiter is one of the biggest planets in our Solar System. In Astrology, Jupiter has very important role to play for a native to lead a successful and religious life. Followings are the results of Great Jupiter in various houses of a horoscope... read more
Mars In Different Houses
Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and wealth. Followings are the results of Mars in difference houses of the chart... read moreMysterious Rahu And Ketu
Rahu will confer materialistic pleasure but at some cost while Ketu will take away but will reward with self realization and liberation. Rahu is the material world, Ketu is the spiritual world. If placed adversely in the chart, Ketu can cause lack of confidence... read more
Don’t Be Afraid Of Saturn
Why we are afraid of Saturn? Actually, we are afraid of losing our belongings and possessions or our relationship which we might have earned or accumulated due to greed, dishonesty or bad karmas. Saturn is known as judge and teacher... read more10th House And Profession
This is a favorable position. The native may get involved in the business of land, houses or conveyances. He will be satisfied with his status. He will be able to accumulate the luxurious household items and will find out further scope for growth in his profession... read more
When I Will Get Job - An Astrological Analyze
Saturn plays most important role so far as job or service of a native is concerned because Saturn is well known as significator of job. Well placed or exalted Saturn gives better chances of desired job or profession particularly in the field... read moreWhen I Will Get Married ?
Seventh house in the horoscope is considered for various marriage aspects like delay in marriage, timing of marriage, compatibly, success of married life and so on. For this other aspects should also be examined e.g. Navmansha chart and Major and Sub-period ... read more
Know About Cancer Ascendant
Cancers born think from the core of heart and can be considered a true lover. Their emotional attachment and family value ensure a happy and successful love affair. Cancer born has forgiveness in their nature. They do not believe in taking revenges... read moreFunctional Benefic & Malefic Planets For Each Ascendant
Natural benefic planets cannot be considered benefic for all the ascendants. In Indian Astrology, the benefic or malefic result of planets has been categorized according to the Ascendant. As Such, Jupiter, Moon and Venus which are considered natural benefic planets can play role... read more
Know About Taurus Ascendant
The natives born in Taurus ascendant have the similarity with their sign being practical in life. They follow certain fixed principles in life. They do not have flexible nature. They are determined in their thoughts ... read moreKnow About Aries Ascendant
Aries Ascendant is governed by Mars. Nature of such native will resemble the qualities of Mars. Impatient, straight-spoken and quick in nature, he believes in direct actions. He will get angry soon but at the same time his anger will last no longer... read more
Saturn In Different Houses Of Chart
Saturn represents poverty, obstacles, lack of prosperity and nervous system. The people governed by Saturn are generally serious by nature and are goal-oriented. Here are the general predictions of Shani in different houses of a chart. ... read moreKetu In Different Houses Of Chart
Ketu, if placed favorably in horoscope, brings a lot of luxury, wisdom. If unfavorable, he causes unnecessary depression, poor concentration, boundless worries, anxiety and ghost related problems. Here are the general predictions of Ketu in different houses of a chart.... read more
Rahu In Different Houses Of Chart
Rahu/Ketu indicates the karmic desire of past and present of the native. Here are the general predictions of Rahu in different houses of a chart... read moreRole Of Rahu In Astrology
Rahu is a powerful and malefic planet. This is a favorable planet of the politicians. He gives them great opportunity and power to rise in the politics through any means fair or unfair. ... read more
Saturn Is Planet Of Scarcity And Disputes
Those who have weak Saturn in their chart should wear Blue Sapphire. Such Saturn also effect the married life and person has to face many hurdles, struggles, disputes and court cases also... read moreKetu May Cause Untimely Death
Ketu is known as a planet for salvation. It behaves like Mars. Ketu indicates spiritual power in a person. If exalted in the chart, one can get salvation and may get himself free from the cycle... read more
Love Marriage In Horoscope
According to Vedic Astrology, Venus is the planet of love. Romance is indicated in a horoscope when Venus is in union with the Ascendant and is placed in one of these house i.e. 5th, 7th, and 11th house.... read moreWho Should Wear Hessonite(Gomed)
Hessonite (Gomed) ensures relief from the malefic effect from Rahu. It clears the confusion in mind and gives stability in life and enhances positive energy of Rahu. If Rahu is weak by placement in the chart.... read more
Rahu Brings Defame And Severe Calamity
Rahu is an extreme planet means he gives the results of extremes i.e. either on this side or that side. There is no middle path for Rahu. If Rahu is favorable in the chart, he can raise a beggar to the status... read moreJupiter Bestows Prosperty
Exalted Jupiter in 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house of a chart are like an asset to the native which bestows everything in life including wisdom, health and all round prosperity... read more
Marriage Related Problems
With the advancement of education and technology, the numbers of marriage related problems have also increased manifolds. Main reason which contributes to this problem is high expectations from married life.... read moreReasons For Delay In Marriage
According to Indian Astrology, Mars plays very important role in one's marriage. If Mars is placed in 1st 4th 7th 8th or 12th house of a horoscope, the native is said to have Kuja Dosha or Mangal Dosha.... read more
Sun Is A Cruel Planet Too
During the period of Mahadasha (Major Period) of malefic Sun, the native starts feeling the results of his misdeeds which he has earned in this or in his past life. If Sun is malefic, the native starts losing his wealth... read moreMoon Is Benefic But Be Careful Of Her
Moon Is Benefic But Be Careful Of Her Moon gives negative results, if a person has debilitated Moon i.e. Moon placed in Scorpio. He suffers from water related diseases and always complains of cough and catarrh... read more
Do Not Borrow On Tuesday
It is believed that no money should be borrowed on Tuesday as it may take years to repay that money or loan. No new cloth should also be worn on this day. In case Mars is negative, Red Coral... read moreMercury Is Small But Is Extremely Important
Weak Mercury causes difference of opinions between husband and wife and brings stiffness in the relationship which may result in divorce.Exalted Mercury will make its native a successful businessman... read more
Venus Is Most Shining Planet In The Sky
Venus is considered as teacher of Demons. This planet signifies sexuality and comforts in the life of native. If a person has weak or afflicted Venus in his chart, he may suffer from weak sexual power... read moreDasha Of Saturn And Mercury Are Yogkarak For Libra Ascendant
Saturn is the lord of two auspicious houses namely 4th house and 5th house representing Capricorn and Aquarius Signs. Therefore, Saturn is considered the most auspicious and give desired benefic results... read more
12 Houses And Career
Twelve houses in a horoscope belong to various aspect of live of a person. Career wise each house has its own importance. Planets indicate the nature of career a person would like to choose..... read moreRole Of Ketu In Astrology
Ketu is planets known for spirituality. The person influenced by the planet is gifted with spiritual achievements. His other interests also show his bent towards religious and secret awareness including supernatural powers... read more
Different Important & Inauspicious Yogas In Horoscope
Yogas are certain specific planetary combinations in a chart. It is observed that these yogas affect the life of an individual by giving some sort of results, positive or negative... read moreMaa Katyani Vrat For Early Marriage
The general purpose of Maa Katyaani Pooja is to pray the Goddess for the early or timely marriage of an individual mostly girl. Even the boy who is facing such problems is suggested to perform this puja... read more
Career Problems And Astrology
Every unemployed person is willing to know when he will get a job. If he is already in job, when he will get promotion or change in his profession... read moreDivorce- A Curse On Married Life
Mars, Saturn, Sun, Dragon's Head (Rahu) and Dragon's Tail (Ketu) have adverse effect on marriage if these planets are associated with seventh house or its lord. Particularly, Mars has very destructive role... read more
Role Of Planets In Astrology
"Do planets really affect a person's thought process and his behavior and hence his actions? Rotating on their own axis and orbiting around sun, millions of miles away from our earth, do they truly control our destiny?... read more10 Ways To Reduce Depression
Do not afraid. Depression is part of our life. Face it and adopt these simple TEN steps to minimize the biting effect of depression... read more
Who Should Wear Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire governs this planet who is lord of two Signs namely Capricorn and Aquarius of the zodiac. Saturn is a slow moving planet emitting blue color. Saturn is generally known for obstacles.... read moreImportance Of Subtle Energy
Subtle energies are unseen forces which can fulfill the life of an individual with immense energy to bring upon overall improvement in the life. Subtle energy may be described as vibrating energy stored in various layers of our body... read more
Marriage Problems And Astrology
Parents are really concerned on the delay in marriage of their children particularly in case of daughters who grow older and older to get higher studies and to settle herself in career. Marriage related and other such problems are being dealt herein with possible solutions... read moreRole Of Saturn In Astrology
Saturn is considered a malefic planet in Astrology. But when placed in beneficial sign and house, he bestows a person with great wealth and fame... read more
Astrological Remedies To Fight Depression
Depression is very common now a day. Everyone experiences depression and stress in his life. But we soon come out from this state due to our thinking process and efforts... read moreImportance Of Rudraksha
Rudraksha bestows the wearer with overall health, wealth, prosperity and worldly pleasures and yet it keeps him unattached with this materialistic approach. It is observed that Rudraksha controls the various chakras in the body... read more
Know About The Libra Ascendant
Libra Ascendant is governed by Venus. Native with Libra Ascendant will have the qualities of Venus. They love beauty, art, music and nature. They believe in love and for them love is God.... read moreWho Should Wear Red Coral
Those who are in the field of surgery, medicines, marketing, technical, computer, electricity, fire- works manufacturing, engineering etc. should wear Red Coral with the consultation... read more
How Planets Affect Education
In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is considered as karaka of education and knowledge. When Jupiter is posited in Trikona or Kendra with the lord of 5th house, it bestows good results in respect of education... read moreWhy Relations Break In The Middle
Ascendant and Ascendant lord both play important role to know the way of thinking and entire individuality of a person. Apart from Manglik and other factors for match making, this fact should also kept in mind... read more
Separation Doesn't Mean End Of Love
Sometimes, it has been observed that separation provides the necessary space to the couples to re-think about the relations in a positive way and helps a couple to come out of the mess... read moreHow To Choose Career Through Astrology ?
Career is one of the most important aspects of an individual. Astrology not only emphasises the inclination of an individual towards a particular field but it also helps in finding out the suitable sector of career... read more
Yogas Formed By Moon
Sunafa Yoga is formed when there is/are some planet/planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in the second house from Moon. This yoga is considered auspicious giving prosperity... read more
Role Of Astrology In Marriage
Presence of benefic planets in the seventh house show early marriage. Similarly, if the Lord of seventh house and Venus are well placed and have the aspect of benefic planets, an early marriage is possible.... read moreTwelve houses & Diseases
Apart from nine planets, all the twelve different houses in a horoscope represent human body parts and diseases related to them... read more
Only For Gemini Ascendant
Generally native born under Gemini ascendant are strong and active, have long arms and legs. Hands are fleshy in particular. Eyes are shining. Black portion of eyes is dark black... read moreImportance Of Gems
Gem Stones are considered a powerful tool in Astrology to give power to the weak planets which otherwise are beneficial in the horoscopes. Each planet has Gem Stone of its own according to colour and the capacity of the gem ... read more
5 Ways To Improve Memory
If we talk about remedies, meditation is one of the best ways to regain the concentration power and improve memory in a very short time. This meditation practice is quite old and is known as Candle Flame Gazing (CFG)... read moreHealth Problems And Astrology
First house indicates mind, personality and face, second house voice, third house arms and chest, fourth house heart etc and so on. Bad effect of malefic planets on these houses may create health problems... read more
Which Career Your Horoscope Indicates ?
Taurus indicates career related to luxury goods, cosmetics, fashion designing etc. Gemini denotes communication. As such fields like journalism, media, accountants, representation on other's behalf suits them the most... read moreWho Should Wear Emerald
Emerald is extremely beneficial for the students of Law and Commerce. Children with weak memory can also be benefitted by this gem. Emerald should be worn by businessmen, traders, accountants... read more
Understand Your Life Partner
Horoscopes can help a lot for choosing the right person as a life partner. In Vedic Astrology, match making has been given high importance to avoid such incidence which may create problems in future married life relations... read moreHow To Match Horoscope Before Marriage?
As per Indian Astrology texts, if Bhakoota is auspicious, it ensures successful marriage. Gunas are matched on the basis of Ashtkoota. Bhakoota is 7th in the Ashtkoota. Bhakoota is directly related to the mental plane of husband and wife... read more
Astrology Tips For Improving Career
Here are some of the astro-tips which can help your children in gaining concentration and improve the quality of education just by adjusting the environment and study room in which he is staying... read moreGauri Shankar Rudraksha
This bead is also recommended to those who are unmarried and seeking suitable soul mate for happy married life. It is believed that this bead also helps in progeny... read more
In-Laws Problem In Marriage
Horoscope can also indicate the relations with in-laws. In a horoscope, seventh house indicate the house of spouse. Fourth house from seventh i.e. tenth house belongs to mother-in-law. Nature of planets posited there may indicate the nature of mother-in-law... read moreRole Of Venus In Astrology
Venus is the planet well known for love, romance, sex, beauty, music, dance and recreations sources. This is also known as Morning Star and can be easily recognized when seen in the north direction early in the morning... read more
Who Should Wear Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
Yellow Sapphire is extremely beneficial for writers, philosophers, teachers, professors, surgeons, politicians and researchers etc because this gem increases wisdom and wealth... read moreFamily Problems and Astrology
Sun represent father, moon mother, Mars and Mercury younger brother and sisters and Jupiter elder brother. Family members are like pillars that support a child and other members in building his career... read more
Role Of Moon In Astrology
Positive Moon indicates joy, enthusiasm and peace of mind in life while negative or afflicted moon causes tensions, depression, suicidal tendency and pessimistic attitude... read moreWho Should Wear Ruby (Manik)
Weak Sun in a chart denotes many health problems including diseases related to bones, blood pressure, various heart problems, rheumatic pains, lack of confidence, unstable mind and weak eyesight etc. Wearing Ruby can help in curing these diseases... read more
Remedies To Fight Depression
Yoga is one of the best gifts which our ancient spiritual saints could give to their coming generations. Simple Yoga comprises of certain special poses and deep breathing... read moreRole Of Mars In Astrology
Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and wealth. Mars is the ruler of Aries and Scorpio zodiac signs... read more
Who Should Wear Diamond (Hira)
Diamond ensures success in love and married life by enhancing positive energy of Venus. Relations in married life are improved and the wearer gets co-operations from spouse... read moreRole Of Sun In Astrology
Favorable placement of Sun in a horoscope brings fame and power to a person in all areas including the field of occupation. It has power to grant great political power. Adverse placement can make a person arrogant... read more
Who Should Wear Pearl (Moti)
Weak Moon in a chart denotes many health problems including diseases related to sleep, depression, insanity, weak mind, indigestion, asthma, T.B., heart problems, menstrual disorders in ladies and weak eyesight etc. Wearing Pearl can help in curing these diseases... read moreRole Of Mercury In Astrology
Mercury is dual natured planet and governs two zodiac signs namely Gemini and Virgo. Body parts that are ruled by Mercury are the arms, ear, lungs and nervous system... read more
Who Should Wear Cat’s Eye (Lahsunia)
Ketu ring is useful to those who want to get success in gambling, horse race, astrology, law practice etc. It is equally useful for those who are involved in hypnotism and meditation... read moreRole Of Jupitor In Astrology
In the horoscope of a woman, Jupiter is the signficator (Karak) of his husband and happy married life. If posited in favorable position, it ensures happy relations in married life... read more